Adventure Groups

Campers are divided into five Adventure Groups based on both age and TVRC-experience. Two to four cabins comprise one Adventure Group. Each summer builds on the previous summer’s experience, with increasing challenge each year a camper returns. Many campers complete the full-five summer program. Typically campers start as Yearlings (11 years old) or Rough Riders (12-14 years old) and progress through the adventure groups as described below.

Yearling ➞ Rough Rider ➞ Top Hand ➞ Wrangler ➞ Trailblazer

With our progressive structure, relationship-building becomes an important aspect of camp life. Living with a small group of cabin mates and taking on challenges together, a TVRC camper learns to positively participate and contribute to a group. Campers develop awareness, providing them opportunities to be a leader, and when to be supportive of others’ ideas. Our campers gain confidence in their personal strengths and develop a strong understanding and appreciation for teamwork. Below you will find descriptions of each TVRC Adventure Group.