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Target Sports


Teton Valley Ranch Camp has its very own riflery range, where campers are able to shoot .22 caliber rifles in a safe and educational environment. Before participating, each camper must go through a safety orientation. During this activity, our instructors focus on teaching gun safety and etiquette, proper handling and gun maintenance, as well as different shooting positions and marksmanship techniques. Over the course of the summer, campers are able to work towards riflery qualifications, as their scorecards are recorded during each session. At the end of the summer, each child receives his or her Certified Marksmanship Association patches signifying their achievements from the summer.

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The TVRC archery range allows new and returning archers a wonderful place to learn and practice. Following a mandatory safety session in the first few days of camp, children from every age group can participate in the archery program. Instructors match each camper with the appropriate size and strength bow and instruct on the safety procedures taken when at the range. Campers are coached on proper stance, drawing form, release and aiming techniques to advance their skills and qualifications in the archery program. At the end of the summer, the boys and girls receive patches and certificates indicating their progress over the course of the summer.

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