Cabin Counselors

Cabin Counselors at Teton Valley Ranch Camp, regardless of hometown, background or experience level, believe in the power of a welcoming, mission-driven summer camp community. The overwhelming majority of our Cabin Counselors have been campers, counselors, babysitters, teachers, coaches, and youth leaders in their respective communities. Most importantly, our Cabin Counselors love working with kids and want to make a summer at TVRC as wonderful as possible.

All TVRC Cabin Counselor applicants must undergo at least two interviews with members of the full-time time, and have a minimum of three personal and professional references checked, before being offered a position. Once hired, Cabin Counselors complete applicable pre-season training exercises and attend two weeks of mandatory staff training to prior to the start of the camper season. Due to the depth and importance of the skills and information learned in staff training, we require that all first-year Cabin Counselors attend the entirety of our staff training period as a condition of their employment. At the end of the staff training period, Cabin Counselors are paired with a co-counselor and assigned a cabin group that compliments and maximizes their personality, skillset and strengths.