Medication at Camp

Medication Management

All medications (prescription, OTC and “as needed”) must be stored in the Infirmary; medication cannot be kept by campers in cabins or trunks. There is no need to pack common medications such as pain relievers, antihistamines, ear drops, wound ointments, antacids, or band-aids as they are stocked in our Infirmary.

With the increase in camper medications, our medical staff need time to review and prepare medications prior to your camper’s arrival.

Please send a 30-day supply of any medications your camper is prescribed or ordered to take while at camp to our Infirmary by JUNE 1st for Boys’ Season campers and JULY 1st for Girls’ Season campers to allow for this medication review.

Sending medication by this date is the only way we can guarantee medications are verified, prepared, and available for your camper on Arrival Day.

Prescription Medications

Due to the rigorous schedule of camp life, we do not recommend ‘medication vacations’ or changes to your child’s regularly scheduled prescription medications while at camp.

Prescription medications need to be in their original container, with the camper’s name, prescribing doctor’s name, medication name, and dosing information clearly legible.

We understand that certain prescription medications and controlled substances can be difficult to send ahead of time. If you are unable to send a medication for any reason, please email the Infirmary at .

Over-The-Counter & Non-Prescription Medications

In an effort to reduce the volume of medications distributed daily at TVRC, our nursing staff will NOT administer medications that are not prescribed or ordered by a doctor.

If your camper regularly takes Over-the-Counter medications, such as a daily allergy pill or a lactose medication, we require a signed doctor’s order with administration instructions and ask that medications be sent in the original packaging.

Our Infirmary stocks common Over-the-Counter medications, all of which have been approved by our Medical Director who writes and reviews our standing orders. If your child occasionally takes a particular Over-the-Counter medicine, chances are we have it in stock and have already been given doctor’s approval.

Other non-prescribed medications including homeopathic remedies, herbal supplements, multivitamins, sleep aids, etc. also require a doctor’s note in order for our nurses to safely administer while campers are on Ranch. This helps limit liability and reduces the number of medications we store and distribute at camp, which curbs errors and omissions.

We ask that you comply with our request to make sure any medication sent to camp for your child is accompanied with a signed doctor’s order and is in its original packaging.

Emergency Use Medications

If your camper is prescribed or uses an Epi-Pen, rescue inhaler, or other emergency use medication please check the expiration date and send at least TWO unexpired devices with your camper. Along with the medication, please send your doctor’s plan of care for allergic reactions.