
Correspondence with Infirmary Staff

Prior to Arrival Day, you may hear from the Infirmary staff in order to clarify information from your camper’s health forms.

Please call us if your camper’s health history or medications change between the time you submit the health forms and the start of camp. In order to provide the best care for your camper, it’s important that we have the most up-to-date information.

During camp, the infirmary staff will call you if:

• Your camper has received an injury that is more significant than needing a band-aid.

• Your camper is ill and needs prescription medicine or outside evaluation.

• There is a question about your camper’s health or medicine.

• Your camper needs a refill of prescription medicine they take during camp.

• Your camper is being transferred to an offsite medical clinic, specialist, hospital, or emergency department for care.

• Your camper misses a trip due to illness.

• Your camper spends more than one activity period in the infirmary.

• Your camper is having any issues the medical team feels are significant and/or need to be clarified, or should be followed up on at home.

• You may also receive a call if your camper loses a tooth, has issues with braces, breaks or loses their glasses, etc.

Out of Camp Care

Backcountry Trips

All TVRC Trip Leaders are trained in Wilderness First Aid. Trip Leaders carry medical kits along with two-way radios, a cell phone, and a satellite phone. Satellite phones are not 100 percent reliable but are designed to provide a good line of communication between the backcountry Trip Leader, Leadership Team, Infirmary staff, and outside emergency responders. Trip Leaders are briefed on emergency evacuation routes and relevant medical histories of all participants prior to each backcountry trip.

Dubois Medical Clinic

The Dubois Medical Clinic is located approximately 30 minutes east of the Ranch. During the summer, TVRC uses this clinic if participants or staff members need medical attention that is not available in the Infirmary. Individuals needing medical attention while on a trip in Shoshone National Forest may be taken to the Dubois Clinic due to its proximity to that area. The Dubois Medical Clinic is typically open on Monday - Friday from 9am - 5pm.

Dubois Medical Clinic: (307) 455-2516

St. John’s Health

St. John’s Health has locations in Jackson and within Grand Teton National Park. If your camper requires medical attention while in Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, or Bridger-Teton National Forest, they will likely be taken to St. John’s due to its proximity to those geographic areas. St. John’s is also available if medical needs exceed those available at the Dubois Medical Clinic.

St. John’s Health: (307) 733-3636

Sagewest Healthcare

In the event of a Togwotee Pass closure between the Ranch and Jackson, TVRC or emergency personnel may utilize the Sagewest Healthcare Hospital in either Riverton or Lander instead of St. Johns. Individuals needing medical attention while in Shoshone National Forest may be taken to the Riverton, Lander, or Jackson hospital, depending on their exact location.

Sagewest Lander: (307) 332-4420

Sagewest Riverton: (307)856-4161

You will be notified immediately if your camper is being taken to an outside medical facility.