Natalie is preparing to start her second summer as TVRC’s PrograM Manager and answered a few questions so you all could get to know her a bit better!

How did you hear about TVRC?

I went to University of Denver and heard about TVRC word of mouth on campus from some of my friends that worked at camp in 2015.

What’s your favorite activity to do in the valley?

Backpacking! I love accessing areas that can only be reached by foot or horseback. Backpacking is incredibly satisfying for me and I feel a sense of accomplishment that I don’t find in the same way from anything else.

Who or what inspires you?

Being outside inspires me. Getting out into nature and spending time outdoors always allows me to reset, gain clarity and take a deep breath. I feel the most alive when I am doing outdoor activities.

What’s the best concert you’ve ever attended?

I am a big concert goer. I love live music in general and I’ve been to some pretty incredible concerts (especially at Red Rocks in Colorado.) But if I have to narrow it down then I would say Fleetwood Mac and anytime I get to see Lake Street Dive.

If you could travel anywhere in the blink of an eye where would you go?


What’s your favorite trip or activity at TVRC?

Favorite activity is wrangling, my favorite trip was Moose Basin.

What’s your favorite song to sing around the campfire?

Friend of the Devil

If you could live in Jackson Hole in any era when what would you choose and why?

Jackson in the early 40’s. I would love to see the ranch when TVRC was first started and the old west cowboy culture.

What are you most looking forward to in your time at TVRC?

I am looking forward to supporting staff in their roles this summer. They show up and decide to dedicate a few months to the development of all these awesome kids. I was in their shoes a few years ago and I know the effort and passion it takes to be really good at this job. I am looking forward to giving them the tools to succeed and create the best summer for our campers.