Another Season, Celebrated

And just like that, our 81st summer has come to a close. Last week we said goodbye to our Girls’ Season Campers and enjoyed one last hoorah with them at the Final Rodeo. We had a great turn out of family members and loved ones supporting our campers.
One of the highlights of both Boys’ and Girls’ Final Rodeos this year was our Post Wranglers displaying their horsemanship skills for all those in attendance. We had three Post Wranglers this year, William, Javi and Quinn. Our Post Wrangler program has run for decades but only a handful of campers choose this option for their final year at the Ranch. While they still participate in the Trailblazer ceremony, and season, including living with the same cabinmates they’ve had for the last four or five summers, they focus on improving their skills on horseback.
This is just one of the many examples of how each camper gets to make their summer what they want. The power of choice at TVRC is engrained from the first summer a camper steps on the ranch. It’s echoed in the final days at camp while a melancholy feeling slowly descends over the last couple of days and evenings on the ranch each season. Campers become more reflective and reminisce about their time on the trail just a week or two before. They reflect on the challenges they rose to overcome during ceremonies and compare notes on their favorite and differing experiences at TVRC with their friends and counselors.
While the end of the season doesn’t come as a surprise it always reminds us how fleeting the experiences our campers get to engage in are. Each summer, each season (Boys’ Season Girls’ Season and Expeditions) feels like you’re watching a shooting star. There’s magic in it, in watching these campers step up to the challenges that lay before them. Watching them grow into themselves, develop close friendships and each, in their own unique way, own their TVRC experience.
As the Leadership Team takes time over the next week to debrief the summer and reflect on the successes we had, we’re excited to see more sign-ups and interest forms being completed than average! This early response to the opening of 2020 Applications and Interest Forms shows us that the magic at TVRC isn’t something that we are partial to as stewards of the camp experience, but something that is felt deeply by the families who participate in the history and legacy of Teton Valley Ranch Camp.
We are thankful for this wonderful summer, for the experiences we were able to create with the amazing campers and staff who chose to spend their summer with us. While we reflect on this we are also looking forward to the 2020 season with great anticipation of creating yet another amazing summer experience.
So long, friends. It’s not goodbye we say but simply so long, we’ll see you again next summer!