The TVRC World is Small

Those of us who have been a part of the TVRC community for any period of time realize how small it is. You could be walking through the grocery store in your home town and bump into someone with a TVRC hat on who attended years before you. Maybe you’re in an airport on the other side of the globe and you hear the “Whooo ahh” call from the otherside of your gate and see a past camper or staff member from your days on the ranch.
It can truly happen anywhere, as displayed by a great anicdote Lee Dudley, who was a camper in 2014 and 2015 shared with us recently. We’ll let Lee take it from here…
By Chance
A young man’s summers throughout middle school and high school are supposed to be some of the best of his life, and that describes mine at Teton Valley Ranch Camp. From leading a Rough Ride, to amazing expeditions with “Disco Mo”, I cherish these times.. Although I could only attend camp for two summers, I developed meaningful relationships and memories that I will never forget. One of those friendships was reignited on September 28th in unique fashion.
I am the long snapper on the University of Virginia football team and, on that day, we were playing Notre Dame in South Bend. With over 81,000 people in attendance, who would expect to see a familiar TRVC face right there on the field? During a timeout, Paul Fleming came out onto the field with a few other Notre Dame cheerleaders. They stood about fifteen yards directly in front of me. Paul and I made instant eye contact. He mouthed the words “Teton Valley!”, and I nodded and said “Yes, TVRC!”. Making that connection in that setting on that day was truly a special moment. Even though I could not see him after the game, we have since messaged each other and recalled the funny experience. This goes to show that no matter how much time has passed, the TVRC experiences stay strong in your memory.
I look forward to seeing him, and other former TVRC campers in the near future at the nearest Round Up!